Coaching for Creatives
Whether you’re working to become established, or to maintain a career in any creative medium, you’re almost always left to your own devices to find and develop practices that help nurture, sustain, and replenish your creative energies.
To be an artist—or to work effectively inside any creative industry—requires an amount of emotional engagement or availability. Each stage of your career demands continuous effort and emotional output from you. Yet there is little formal support or career development—at any level—and rarely is anyone afforded a space in which to reflect on where they really are, and reevaluate what they’d like to achieve next, in a constructive and productive way.
How can you better access and express your talents? How do you retain a strong sense of self when faced with indifference or failure? How to move beyond feelings of being stuck or hitting a creative block? How best to harness the power of your imagination in an environment focused on stat’s and metrics? These kinds of questions surface again and again in all mediums and at every level. Co-Active coaching offers an opportunity to explore these questions outside of the limitations and commercial obligations that dominate forging a career.
I have decades of experience in working closely with artists and producers. This gives me a unique and seasoned perspective to help you nurture those qualities that are the bedrock of any creative endeavor, and mine the resources you already possess. All creatives suffer from crises in confidence and struggle to meet their vision at times. Co-Active coaching can be a resource to help navigate the creative path and, perhaps most importantly, explore how best to take care of yourself, as an artist, a producer, or creative professional and realize the fullest version of yourself and your talents.